
Anglican Church Women

ACW_Logo.pngSt. Mark’s  ACW with 13 members who meet monthly, date & location are flexible, call the church office: 902-454-0207 for details, plays a very active role in the life of our church and beyond.  We send cards & visit sick and shut-in members of our parish and provide coffee for Sunday coffee hour. But our vision extends well-beyond the church building: we collect & send Christmas boxes to the Mission to Seafarers; save used stamps which the Bible Society uses to help the hearing & visually impaired; Campbell’s soup labels are collected to help a school in the Valley; “Girl Power, Wolf Spirit” an initiative of the First Nations also received our support, as well as Adsum House & Phoenix House. ACW also has a yearly project which depends on Diosivian needs.

In order to support these activities, we fund-raise by having both bake and “Bake-less” sales, catering to receptions, selling church calendars and a Christmas stocking project.

In case you think we only work, our members attend conferences, Quiet Days and socialize at luncheons together. We’re proud of all our small group can accomplish.



Anglican Church Women

Mother's Union


 On Sunday, June 1, 2014 the St. Mark’s Mothers’ Union held a closing service after 53 years of service to the Parish and the Diocese. 

The following notice appeared in the St. Mark’s Newsletter in 1991 on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the St. Mark’s Mother’s Union.

 St. Mark’s Church, Halifax,  NS. was the first Parish to form a Mothers’ Union in 1961 under the direction of the late Archdeacon George S. Tanton. It has a reason to celebrate another milestone.  On Sunday February 11, 1991 Annie Smith was enrolled into the Mothers’ Union.  Born eighty-six years ago on Christmas Day, she is the mother of St. Mark’s Rector, Father John Smith, who conducted the service.  Annie is an active force in the life of our parish.  Further congratulations are extended to Jean Langille on her enrollment and Elsie Gray, who was commended from another branch.  We know they will add a new spirit to our group.  Enrolling member, Amelia Crewe, read the objects and presented each member with a Mothers’ Union pin.

Chancel Guild

The “Chancel” is the area at the front of the church behind the altar rail. Members of the guild take turns preparing flowers for the altar, dusting & vacuuming this area, preparing the sacred vessels for Communion and washing up after & making sure the linens are washed & ironed for the following service. The St. Mark’s Guild has ten regular members who fulfill these functions which are aided by a bequest of a former member. Flowers are often donated by the congregation to celebrate a special occasion or in memory of a family member.




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