Jubilate Singers and Friends
Jubilate Singers
The Jubilate Singers are an ecumenical choir directed by Terry Hurrell, was organized by St. Mark's Food Box Committee in 1989 to raise money for the Christmas Food Box Programme for needy families. The Singers perform one concert each year on the second Sunday of December. The concert includes guest artists such as the perennial favourites Ardyth & Jennifer, members of the Symphony Brass, and as well as readings from a variety of seasonal texts. Christmas Food Boxes are provided to approximately 115 families each year as a result of the concert.
Christmas at Home with Jubilate Singers and Friends 2020
From Sunday, December 13, 2020, the Jubilate Singers’ 32nd concert, in virtual format this year. The concert raises funds to purchase groceries for families in need at Christmas. Each year, upwards of 100 families in the Halifax Regional Municipality (Nova Scotia) are assisted with food boxes that contain the necessary items for a Christmas dinner and additional groceries to help a family get through 1-2 weeks. Your help would be most appreciated! To donate: - by e-transfer: jubilatesingers2020@gmail.com. Include you name and address for tax receipt in the details/message. - Canada Helps https://www.canadahelps.org/en/dn/56280. - by cheque: St. Mark's Food Box Committee c/o St. Mark's Church 5522 Russell Street Halifax N.S. B3K 1X2 For more information: Facebook @JubilateSingersHalifax